Saturday, January 21, 2012

Things They Should Invent:

Lately I've been thinking that Downton Abbey has started sounding interesting to me, but I don't know if it's something that you can pick up in the middle or if I have to go back to the beginning of the series and catch up.

They need to make a single comprehensive website for every series ever - TV, books, and anything else that comes in series form - tell you whether you need to start at the beginning or whether you can just jump right in. They could take user votes and comments, and it could work like Rotten Tomatoes.

For TV series, they could also incorporate a feature that gives you alerts whenever certain series is starting to air from the beginning on a TV channel in your area, so if you want to catch up the old-fashioned way you can.


Lori said...

They need to make a single comprehensive website for every series ever - TV, books, and anything else that comes in series form - tell you whether you need to start at the beginning or whether you can just jump right in. is well on its way to becoming that website. And it seems they have a Downton Abbey wiki.

laura k said...

I've been hearing raves about Downton Abbey, too, and from people whose opinions I trust. I'm going to watch the whole series on DVD. I always want to start from the beginning, if at all possible.

However, I did watch a few snippets here and there and am quite sure that starting from anywhere would be fine.

This doesn't go to your TTSI, but it might help you jump in.

impudent strumpet said...

For any googlers who are wondering about Downton Abbey, apparently they're showing it from the beginning on Vision TV starting on Feb. 22.