Sunday, June 26, 2011

A selfless reason to strike

One of the reasons why CUPW didn't accept Canada Post's offer is that it had new employees being paid on a lower scale than current employees.

I just realized that rejecting on offer on this basis is completely and utterly selfless.

All the people who get to vote on the offer are existing employees. They wouldn't be affected by this provision. They are rejecting it for everyone who might possibly end up working for Canada Post at any time in the future.

In other words, for us.

With the exception of people who are independently wealthy, people who will always be incapable of working, and perhaps people in professions like medicine whose demand will never go away (although they do downsize nurses from time to time, so you never nkow), the vast, vast majority of us have uncertain career futures. It would be ridiculously overoptimistic to assume that we will never lose our jobs or that we will always be able to find suitable employment in our chosen fields. Most of us have to assume that we will have to look elsewhere at some point. And there's no reason why "elsewhere" wouldn't include Canada Post. By rejecting this offer, Canada Post workers are doing everything they can to make sure that we get to enjoy whatever benefits they currently get to enjoy.

I hope everyone gives them all due credit for this.


Anonymous said...

It's called solidarity. An injury to one is an injury to all.

laura k said...

That's what solidarity means.

I was going to write that before I saw Anagory's comment, then figured, what the hell. It's important enough to say twice.