Friday, May 20, 2011

My Wii Fit chickened out on me today

In some of the activities in Wii Fit, you can "challenge" your trainer to see who can do the most reps. Since your trainer is actually a cartoon, that really means that she'll say she's tired and can't do any more after a few more reps than you managed to do the last time you challenged her.

So today I clicked on the jackknife challenge, fully expecting to do about 60 reps. The trainer popped up and said "I'm a little off today. Why don't you come back again later to challenge me?" Then it returned to the menu without putting me through any jackknives.

Isn't that weird???? But, you know, I kind of like it when a computer gives me an unexpected excuse not to do an exercise. It's the exercise equivalent of a snow day!

1 comment:

laura k said...

That would totally freak me out.