Friday, July 02, 2010

Let's identify the guy who wrecked the police cruisers

Here's a video of two of the police cruisers getting wrecked:

As you can see, it's one guy responsible for a lot of the wrecking. Other people are watching or filming or trying to de-escalate or doing their own thing or playing with the siren.

Here is a really good picture that multiple people (including eyewitnesses) agree is the same person. Looks like the same person to me too.

The wrecked cruisers would probably be what pissed off the police the most and, whether they'll admit it or not, led to all the subsequent horrendous treatment that our people suffered.

So let's identify him. Does he look familiar? Have you seen him around? Report what you have to CrimeStoppers. OpenFile is also trying to find him. This would be a good story for mainstream media to pick up.


laura k said...

He is not this guy?

I haven't been following this story, because I'm pretty sure the whole thing was police/provacateur driven, but this guy Warrington is getting the blame.

impudent strumpet said...

Doubt it. My guy has cropped dark hair. Your guy has awesome shaggy blond hair. Unless he managed to, like, apply hair extensions in the middle of the protest, in which case we should shake his hand and say well done.

laura k said...

Right. Not him.