Saturday, June 03, 2006

Why I won't use reusable tote bags to do my grocery shopping

Dominion is trying to convince me to buy reuseable totebags for my grocery shopping. I understand the environmental concerns, but I'm not going to do this for two reasons:

1. Grocery shopping is not a special trip for me. I usually get groceries on the way home from work, whenever it occurs to me that I might want some food that I don't have at home. I don't want the additional planning of having to anticipate grocery shopping, anticipate how much I will buy, figure out how many totebags I need to carry that many groceries, and carry the totebags around with me all day. I don't have a car, so I can't just stick the totebags in the trunk, and I usually carry only a large handbag which is generally pretty full because of my habit of carrying an umbrella and a novel and a waterbottle everywhere, so bringing the totebags would mean carrying an extra piece of luggage on my commute.

2. I need plastic bags anyway. I put a plastic bag in every one of my four household trash cans (i.e. small wastepaper baskets). I empty the kitchen can every day whether it's full or not (to avoid bugs), and the other three whenever they are full. I live in an apartment building, so my garbage goes down a chute. This means that all the garbage has to be wrapped in a plastic bag, and grocery store bags are perfect for this. If I didn't get plastic bags from the grocery store, I would have to buy small plastic garbage bags. So my plastic bags are going into the landfill, but that is out of necessity because of the logistics of my building's waste disposal infrastructure. I don't throw out plastic grocery bags automatically when I bring them home, I throw them out once they've served their purpose as garbage bags

Basically, using totebags would increase my inconvenience and expense without having any net effect on the number of plastic bags I send to the landfill.

If Dominion wants to improve my personal environmental footprint that results from their store, the best thing to do would be to use biodegradable plastic bags that are strong enough to get the groceries home and serve one use as a garbage bag, but will break down in the landfill.

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